Friday, March 8, 2013

Cover Reveal!!

Ahhh!!! It's finally time! The Hell's Hollow cover reveal is going live all over. Okay Creations did an amazing job putting together an incredibly gorgeous cover that really captures the feel of the book. I hope you love it as much as I do! And so now, without further ado, I give you the face of Hell's Hollow.

If you're intrigued, come add it on goodreads!
The ebook will go live on Amazon, BN, Smashwords, and hopefully ibooks next Friday, the 15th.

Thank you so incredibly much to Okay Creations for her amazing work, to the fabulous Xpresso Book Tours for organizing the cover reveal, and to all the awesome bloggers who posted it!

And don't forget to enter my contest to win a copy of Teri Hall's New Zapata either below or on Facebook! Contest ends Sunday at midnight.

And thanks for stopping by to see the cover :D